All About Loco Pilots Work and Promotion in Indian Railways
Hello everyone, My name is Amarjeet Singh Jamwal and I am working as a Loco Pilot Goods in Ambala Division of Northern Railway. In today's article I will tell you about medical, training, nature of job, salary, promotions, Drafted posts, switching to another job through General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) and process of becoming a Class-2 officer through departmental exam.
I joined Railway through RRB Chandigarh exam in Feb 2016 where a letter is send to my address by my allotted Division which was Delhi Division to appear with educational documents, date of birth proof, address proof and Division letter. On arriving New Delhi DRM office service record file of every candidate is prepared and after that all the candidates are send for medical examination in 20-20 groups. A photo copy of medical fit memo is given to Candidates whose medical test got done and original copy is kept by them. In medical your eyes, heart rate, Blood pressure, Blood Sugar, Urine test and X-ray is done in which eyes test is most important because maximum people are failed in eye test as they want 6/6 eye sight.
The candidates which are find suitable are called for training, the day from when your training started is considered as your date of appointment. Before allotment of Loco lobby One month traffic training (in which we study about rules of railways, signals, stations etc.), Two months electric locomotives training (in which we study about electric locomotives types, it's parts, and working) and Two month Diesel Locomotives training ( in which we study about Diesel Locomotives types, it's parts and working ). To pass the exam minimum 60% numbers are required and Seniority list for promotion is prepared on all three exams average marks basis so try your level best to secure as much marks as you can. There are Two Traffic training schools (one at Chandausi, Uttar Pradesh and second at Udaipur, Rajasthan), One electric training school (at Chipiana, Uttar Pradesh) and Four Diesel training institute (1. At Ludhiana, Punjab, 2. Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, 3. Tughlakabad, Delhi and 4. Shakurbasti, Delhi) for Northern Railway Loco Pilots.
Once all Training got completed, we got posting in a loco lobby where we get a CMS ID and after that fifteen to twenty days line training is done by your allotted Chief Loco Inspector who gives you practical knowledge of all the things we studied in training schools. On completion of line training we get a learning road (where we have to work) for one to two month depending upon your Lobbies allotted sections. After completing Learning road we are booked independently for goods working. During this time your salary comes around 35000 to 45000 depending upon your monthly kilometers.
Designation and Salary after Promotion
After two year of posting you are eligible for promotion as Sr Assistant Loco Pilot where your salary jumps to 55000 to 75000 (GP-2400) again depending upon your monthly kilometers and you are booked on passenger and express trains. After this depending upon your Seniority you are promoted as Loco Pilot Shunter or Engine Turner where your salary remains almost same and your duty is to attach detach coaching trains and loads in yards. You are further promoted to Loco Pilot Goods where your salary comes 60000 to 90000 (GP-4200) and you now booked to drive a goods train with your allotted Assistant Loco Pilot. After this we got promoted to Loco Pilot Passenger and Loco Pilot Mail where we booked on Passenger and mail trains and salary goes 80000 to 130000 with GP-4200.
Options of switching to another Job Profile for Part-Time
To switch into another job profile you must have actual footplate 75000 km as a Loco Pilot then you are eligible to apply for the following mentioned posts and on after being selected by officers you can work on these posts for 3 years which can be extended one more year.
- Crew Controller (CC) :- CC are posted in loco lobby for booking of crew and management of loco as per directions of the supervisor.
- Traction Loco Controllers (TLC) :- TLC are posted in DRM control office where there work is to watch electric locomotives movements and arrange their crew. If any abnormalities regarding Loco and crew exists TLC resolve the issue and make report to send Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer (Sr. DEE).
- Power Controller (PRC) :- PRC are also posted in Control office where they deals with diesel locomotives and crews. PRC reporting officer is Senior Divisional Mechanical Engineer (Sr DME).
- Instructors:- If you like teaching then you can apply as an Instructor to teach electric Locomotives and Diesel locomotives for 3 years or 4 years.
Options of switching to another Job Profile Permanently:-
- Chief Loco Inspector (CLI) :- For becoming a CLI you must have 5 lakh actual footplating Kilometers or must have completed 10 years in 4200 Grade pay then you can apply for a CLI. CLI work is to council their allotted Loco Pilots so that Loco Pilots and Assistant Loco Pilots do their duty properly. CLI also make reports of abnormalities which happens on line because of locomotives or by Loco Pilots and send report to control office. CLI grade pay is 4600 and salary goes around 1 lakhs or more.
- Class B officer:- You can also become a class two officer in own department by qualifying a exam. To appear in the exam you must have completed three years in 4200 grade pay or three year service as Loco Pilot Shunter in GP 2400.
General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE)
You can also switch to another job profile in any department according to your qualification by passing this exam. You must have posted in any department then you can apply for this exam. In short if your educational qualifications are more than ITI and you are worried about to join or not, I will suggest you to join because, This is the easiest way to enter in well known railway organization and much better than group D post. This is a very respected job if you asks from train travelers and very bad if you ask from Loco Pilots But as you know all jobs has their plus and minus it depends on you what you want to see. If you have potential to grow than sky is limit for you.
That's sit for todays article, see you soon with next article till then take care. Feel free to mail us for any query and suggestion. Thank You 😊
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