INFO4EEE stands for Information for Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Presently, INFO4EEE has a website that is available at www.info4eee.com and a YouTube Channel that is available at www.youtube.com/info4eeechannel.
- INFO4EEE Website: On the 9th of November 2012, INFO4EEE started its journey on the Google Blogger and was available on info4eee.blogspot.com. On the 8th of July 2017, INFO4EEE bought the website domain and moved to a new address www.info4eee.com. On the 4th of September 2017, the INFO4EEE Website got approval from Google AdSense.
- INFO4EEE YouTube Channel: On the 11th of July 2017, INFO4EEE started its YouTube Channel and uploaded its first video on the 20th of October 2017. INFO4EEE YouTube Channel was approved for the YouTube Partner Program on the 9th of June 2021.
INFO4EEE has Articles, Videos, and a Digital Library section. While section on Notification is discontinued.
- Digital Library:
- In 2012, INFO4EEE created the section for B.Tech Notes (21), B.Tech Question Papers (48), Practical Reports (3), and Project Reports (3).
- In 2014, INFO4EEE created a section for M.Tech Notes (05) and M.Tech Question Paper (23).
- In 2016, INFO4EEE created a section for Diploma Notes (5).
- Articles:
- In 2013, INFO4EEE started an article series on Basic Electrical Engineering and Electromagnetic Field Theory.
- In 2017, INFO4EEE started an article series on Power Station, Power System, and Basic Electronics Engineering.
- In 2018, INFO4EEE started an article series on GATE Exam.
- In 2019, INFO4EEE started an article series on ETAP Tutorial.
- In 2020, INFO4EEE started an article series on Power Electronics.
- In 2021, INFO4EEE started an article series on Deep Learning.
- Videos:
- In 2017, INFO4EEE started two video series on the Basics of MATLAB Programming and the Basics of LabVIEW.
- In 2018, INFO4EEE started four video series on Basic Electrical Engineering, the Basics of MATLAB Simulink, How to use Scientific Calculator, and Uttarakhand General Knowledge.
- In 2019, INFO4EEE started a video series on Excel Tips and Tricks.
- In 2020, INFO4EEE started a video series on Power Electronics Using MATLAB Simulink.
- In 2021, INFO4EEE started two video series on Quantitative Aptitude and Basic Electronics Virtual Laboratory.
- In 2022, INFO4EEE started a video series on Control System for GATE and UGC-NET.
- In 2023, INFO4EEE started a video series on Electric Circuits Fundamental for GATE.
- Notification (Discontinued):
- In 2017, INFO4EEE created a section for PhD Admission, MS/M.Tech Admission, B.Tech Admission, Diploma Admission, PhD Jobs, M.Tech Jobs, B.Tech Jobs, and Diploma Jobs which is currently discontinued.
INFO4EEE YouTube Channel obtained 3K+ Subscribers. A bar graph reflecting the number of subscribers per year is given in Fig. 1. INFO4EEE YouTube Channel has 167+ videos. A bar graph reflecting the number of videos per year is shown in Fig. 2. INFO4EEE YouTube Channel obtained 300K+ views. A bar graph reflecting the number of views per year is given in Fig. 3. INFO4EEE YouTube Channel obtained 17K+ hours of watch time. A bar graph reflecting the hours of watch time per year is given in Fig. 4.
Fig. 1 Bar graph of INFO4EEE YouTube Channel Subscribers
INFO4EEE YouTube Channel obtained 3K+ Subscribers. A bar graph reflecting the number of subscribers per year is given in Fig. 1. INFO4EEE YouTube Channel has 167+ videos. A bar graph reflecting the number of videos per year is shown in Fig. 2. INFO4EEE YouTube Channel obtained 300K+ views. A bar graph reflecting the number of views per year is given in Fig. 3. INFO4EEE YouTube Channel obtained 17K+ hours of watch time. A bar graph reflecting the hours of watch time per year is given in Fig. 4.
Fig. 1 Bar graph of INFO4EEE YouTube Channel Subscribers |