A need of Custom Power Role in Power System
What is the Custom Power
Non-linear loads generate harmonics currents which can circulate anywhere within the power system and ultimately return back to the source. Therefore harmonics current proliferation creates harmonics voltage throughout the power systems. Many improvement techniques have been proposed and implemented to maintain the harmonics voltages and currents within recommended levels.
Custom power is a strategy, which is designed primarily to meet the requirements of the industrial and commercial customer. The concept of custom power is to use of power electronic or static controllers in the medium voltage distribution system aiming to supply reliable and high-quality power to sensitive users.
Types of Custom Power Devices
Custom power devices are two types:
Network Reconfiguring Type
- Static Current Limiter (SCL)
- Static Circuit Breaker (SCB)
- Static Transfer Switch (STS)
Compensating Type Distribution
- Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR)
- Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC)
- Active Power Filter (APF)
Need of Custom Power
Most of the interruptions and voltage reductions occur in the utility system on account of lightning faults on transmission and distribution lines, low-frequency dynamic swings of the transmission system, trees touching the wires, equipment failure, switching, etc. Voltages sags may also be a consequence of large load changes affecting customers own equipment or affecting other equipment via the utility system.
Rajeev Kumar is dedicated to teaching and research in the field of electrical and electronics engineering. He is always sharing valuable content of the engineering field on this website.
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