How to generate and plot a waveform in MATLAB

Previously we discussed about, How to write your first MATLAB program, Now we will discuss how to generate and plot a waveform in MATLAB.

For simplicity, We are generating a sinusoidal waveform of 5 Hz frequency having amplitude 10. The screen capture of matlab program for this problem in editor window has been shown in figure.1.

Figure.1 - Screen capture of MATLAB program.

This program is written in seven lines from line 6 to 12 with brief description about each line. The line by line detailed description of commands is as below:

Line-6: Generate the time values between 0 and 1 in interval of 0.0001 and saved into t. Example: t = 0, 0.0001, 0.0002, 0.0003, . . . . . . . . upto 1.

Line-7: Compute the values of y at each value of t using inbuilt 'sin' function.

Line-8: Plot a graph between t and y axis using inbuilt 'plot' function.

Line-9: Write the desired title in the top of graph with using inbuilt 'title' function. Example: Sinusoidal Waveform.

Line-10: Write the desired label on x axis with using inbuilt 'xlabel' function. Example: Time.

Line-11: Write the desired label on y axis with using inbuilt 'ylabel' function. Example: Amplitude.

Line-12: Bound both (x axis and y axis) between predefined values using inbuilt 'axis' function. In this line first value is lower limit of x axis, second value is upper limit of x axis, third value is lower limit of y axis and fourth value is upper limit of y axis.

Plot of sinusoidal waveform has been shown in figure.2 which is generated using above written matlab program.

Figure.2 - Screen capture of plot generated using MATLAB program.

The plot is showing the sinusoidal waveform of 5 Hz i.e. five cycles per second. In next post, we will discuss about, how to generate multiple waveform and plot them on single plot window in MATLAB.

Video Tutorial: How To Generate and Plot a Waveform in MATLAB

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