How To Apply IF ELSE in MATLAB

In previous matlab tutorial, we have discussed about How to apply switch command for word in MATLAB with its matlab program. Now in Post-17 of Module-01, we will discuss about how to apply IF ELSE in matlab. 

To understand this problem, we will create a matlab program to display the division according to marks. MATLAB program for this problem has been shown in figure-1.

Figure.1 - MATLAB Program to apply IF ELSE.

First of all user is asked to enter his/her percentage of marks by the command 'input' which store the percentage in percentage variable. After that it is compared with the help of IF ELSE condition. If percentage of marks is less than 33 % then it display a message written in line-6 i.e. 'You are FAIL'. If percentage of marks is greater or equal to 33 % but less than 45 % then it display a message written in line-8 i.e. 'You are passed with THIRD Division'. If percentage of marks is greater or equal to 45 % but less than 60 % then it display a message written in line-10 i.e. 'You are passed with SECOND Division'. If percentage of marks is greater or equal to 60 % but less than 75 % then it display a message written in line-12 i.e. 'You are passed with FIRST Division'. If percentage of marks is greater or equal to 75 % then it display a message written in line-14 i.e. 'You are passed with HONOURS'.

Figure.2 - Command Window output of matlab program for IF ELSE.

This program can be run by typing its name on command window i.e. 'mod0117'. After this a message is displayed on command window which asked the user to enter his percentage of marks. When user enter his percentage of marks then it display the division of the user. The command window output for this has been shown in figure-2.

Video Tutorial : How To Apply If Else in MATLAB By INFO4EEE

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